Best Paper Awards 2022

To acknowledge authors’ continued support, AVERE is pleased to announce the Best Paper Awards of the International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS) 2022. Best Lecture paper award honored toFrances Sprei, Ahmet Mandev (Chalmers) and Gil Tal (UC Davis)– Electrification of vehicle miles travelled within the household context: a case study from California, USA Best […]
Meet Karsan Autonomous e-ATAK at EVS35-The first full size bus operating autonomously in Europe!

EVS35 will be the first international exhibition to host a large autonomous electric bus and let visitors experience it.
EVS35 starts with Oslo Elbil Expo June 11-12

Come visit the electric mobility capital of the world, Oslo, and experience new technology accessible in just one place. Right before the EVS35 conference and symposium, there will be an expo during the weekend.
Heavy vehicles and construction machines – An electric guide from Oslo

Electric trucks, buses and construction machines are starting to become a common sight in Oslo. Why? The City of Oslo’s ambitious climate targets and demands in procurements are a lot of the reason. On EVS35 you have a chance to learn more from Oslo and see an impressive exhibition of electric heavy vehicles and machines […]
Fleet business is electric business

EVs are already seen as the winning technology for 21st-century mobility. The fleet-vehicle business, represented mainly by leasing companies, buys hundreds of thousands of new cars and vans worldwide. That purchasing power is significant—all the more so when you consider that there is already consensus among company directors that fully electric fleets are the way […]
Renewable power made EVs a success in Norway

Jarand Rystad, a leading energy forecaster, calls for rapid expansion of generating capacity for continued green-transition progress Earlier this month, Norway´s Arbeiderpartiet, the lead partner in the country’s governing coalition, called for cross-party agreement on wind-power policy. The construction of both on and offshore installations in Norway has met fierce resistance in recent years, leading […]
We are pleased to announce that the details of the scientific programme are online

By Prof. Dr. Joeri Van Mierlo, Chairman of the Scientific Program Committee. Over 150 lecture sessions and over 100 digital poster-based dialogue sessions from international top experts will be presented. All papers have been rigorously reviewed for their top scientific quality. For EVS35 we observed an increased interest in charging infrastructure development and deployment, as […]
Dialogue sessions – for the first time at EVS with digital signage

The EVS35 in Oslo will be providing digital posters rather than physical printed posters. The digital poster format provides an excellent opportunity for presenters to utilize electronic, digital and visual displays to share your research, and to interact with delegates on an individual basis. The dialogue presentations are poster-based sessions intended to be an efficient […]
Opening Ceremony

Welcome to the official opening ceremony for the 35th International Electric Vehicle Symposium on June 13th.
Let the battery battle begin!

Freyr Battery CEO, Tom Einar Jensen, who will be speaking at EVS35 says long-term success for Norway’s nascent battery business needs rapid commitment to new renewables NORWAY´s northernmost power-price area has long had surplus power. But some of those extra terawatt hours left over each year—up to four percent of the country´s total annual output—are […]
Former EU Climate Commissioner, Connie Hedegaard – Norway has paved the way for the rest of us

IMPRESSED BY NORWAY: Connie Hedegaard, the EU’s first climate commissioner, believes that Norway has paved the way for the electrification of the car fleet, which is now in its infancy across large parts of the world.
Welcome to EVS35 – the world’s largest electric mobility event of the year

Oslo is the place to be in June 11th-12th 2022 as the world’s largest exhibition of electric mobility will happen. Experience our electric mobility revolution up close with the world’s leading technology or join the EVS35 EV conference on June 13-15th as we gather the most important people in the international EV community. The development […]
2021: A milestone for electric cars in Norway

A new record for Norwegian EV sales in 2021: Almost 65 percent of all new cars sold in 2021 were fully electric. This is an article from by journalist Martin Thronsen. – January is my favorite month of the year. It’s always fun to celebrate new records, especially when the entire nation has participated, […]
President of AVERE – welcome to Norway