The electromobility ecosystems of the world develop fast. E-mobility becomes more and more advanced and mainstream. Norway is years ahead of most other countries in terms of Electric Vehicle market penetration, and the city of Oslo is full of green inspiration. EVS35 in Oslo is a more relevant destination than ever, and we look forward to finally meet again for real!
11.-15 June 2022 we welcome more than 10 000 visitors – many of these will be experienced EV drivers and early movers hungry for new technology. We meet 7 500 delegates (over three days) with a high competency level in academia, in industry or in government of countries, regions and cities.
Because so many relevant people travel to EVS, companies and associations often take the opportunity to host – in the days before or after – their own events, f ex global annual meetings and general assemblies, workshops, training sessions etc.
For companies invested in E-mobility we can recommend also electric field trips after EVS in 2022. Creating the links between users, academia, policymaking and industry is what we in AVERE believe is the key to success in E-mobility. When we talk about industry that means not only the car industry and batteries, but also the power producers, the grid owners, charging operators and services, IT, and a whole range of expertise required to make our future sustainable, including materials and recycling.
The specialty of EVS, after 50 years of existence, is to bring together the unique collection of people and meetings, creating an unparalleled arena for inspiring collaboration in many dimensions.
The electric future is here!
Espen Hauge
President AVERE